Recreated the PRC-6/6 from prop master Doug Harlocker (Blade Runner 2049)

When I saw this fragment on YouTube and saw Doug Harlocker's modified PRC-6/6 I was immediately intrigued. What an amazing prop!
So went in search for an PRC-6/6 and was in luck.
But the artwork took some time to figure out... Although I pretty fast found the images of @candykiller on RPF, I was set on making all the artwork myself and to best I could find what goes where. So I ended up with stuff like this:
And in the end with this...
I had a sign company make a 'sticker-mask' of it and now time to try it out...
It turned out I was slightly of with my measurements... a bit to big, but not much. Could work around it.
After that time for weathering and details and presto!
Oh, I went for this on the tip of the antenna. It's pretty much what it looks like in display-image. The one that Doug is showing Adam (Savage) looks slightly different. Doug talks in the YouTube episode about an other version that was made in LA. So I assume that's the one in the display.
Didn't go for the silver duct-tape on the strap... Didn't like that... ;-)


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