“The PKD” (Steyr Pflager Katsumata Series-D Blaster) sort of...

"All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain. Time to die." Rutger Hauer (1944-2019) - BladeRunner

It's Adam's fault... Yes, Adam Savage! All because his obsession for this gun led me to this tutorial on Youtube.

I was hooked! So I searched the web for a kit and ended up with a garage Etsy- kit somewhere in Australia. That looks somewhat like this...

Kits like this (compared to Bandai or example) need a lot of TLC. But I was stoked, so let's get this puppy painted.

Because this was my very first project; the learning curve was steep with this one. 

Slowly but surely it comes together.

Stuff like this gave me a splitting head-ache, hahaha... Got the lights working nevertheless.

And there you have it! Harrison Ford's gun from Blade Runner!

Wait a minute... somethings are off. Ah... apparently it's an officers gun. A Pflager Katsumata Series D - II 2018 Model (Top). Sort of...

A well, close enough.


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