

The moment I saw him, I fell in love... This adorable 'little' bot is called Eddie. This little guy has been created by Paul Braddock. He makes these resin kits in small badges.


Because they are pretty scarce; when Paul decided to cast a new batch of 30 'Eddie's', I immediatly ordered one. Pretty stoked when it finally (really fast actually) arrived!

Hello there, Buddy!

Lovely parts!

... and there he is!



I was a bit recentless to get started because I feared to mess it up. The technique used was different from what I used to. This time I had to use laquer paints to get the chrome effect needed for the base. And off course I had some problem with the Alclad black gloss paint (no shine).
This is not glossy...

It appeared to have to do with shelve life, but the jury is still out on this one... I ordered another bottle and presto! This worked fine!
That's better!


After that is was time to use masking fluid! Never done that either! The idea is that where you put it the color you spray over it will not be affected. It worked somewhat, but the problem was I needed a ton of yellow paint coats to really settle. That took several day's...

So it was a pain to rub the masking fluid off... So much pain that it damaged the chrome paint underneath it... So I had to do it again on some of the chrome parts.

Okay; time for weatering...

And that's it!
I really liked how it it turned out. My wife even more, hahaha... She claimed him. He sits on her nightstand. Watching over her. Good bot!

And just sometimes getting a break from all of this. What can I say? He loves to travel...


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